March: The Month of Waiting
This winter has felt unusually long and bitterly cold. It even snowed more than before—so much so that in February our church closed its doors on two Sundays. The children were disappointed, wondering why snowstorms only come on weekends, while the adults eagerly awaited the end of the cold season and the arrival of spring.
And finally, we have reached March. In fact, March might be called the month of waiting. It is too close to spring to be considered winter, yet still too cold to be truly spring. It is a month in which we long for winter’s end while anticipating the coming of spring. Underlying this waiting is a simple belief: no matter how harsh or prolonged winter may be, spring will inevitably arrive. Just as the morning sun rises after the darkest night, and as seeds buried in the ground eventually sprout and bloom, so too will spring come. We are those who wait for that moment.
March also marks the beginning of another month of anticipation for us. It is about Lent. As we await spring, we now observe Lent in anticipation of Jesus’ resurrection. The truth is that for resurrection to occur, death must first come. Jesus suffered and died before rising again. Lent is observed during the 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter, symbolizing our participation in his suffering and death. Jesus’ sacrifice was not for his own sake but for the sake of others—a selfless act of love that gave his life for many. I believe that it is what we have to do during the time of waiting, the Lent. I hope this Lent becomes a time of humble waiting for all of us — a period where we lower ourselves to lift others up, set aside ourselves to support those around us, and sacrifice ourselves for serving God and loving our neighbors.
Pastor Jinha Choi
First & Wesley United Methodist Church