Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your support during the past eight years of my ministry.  As announced before, I will be appointed as pastor of The Memorial United Methodist Church in Avon, Connecticut.  Once my new appointment is effective on July 1st, I cannot play a role of your pastor.  Yet, I will be your friend forever.

In March, when I was choked with tears in making an announcement of the new appointment, I realized how much I had loved you and how much I had poured myself out on our church ministry.  When I saw you shedding tears, I was able to know how much I had been loved by you.  I knew it would be tough to say goodbye to you, but I did not know it would be this tough.  It is heartbreaking, but it is a time to move on.  “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

My wife Hyeonjin and I have had precious experiences with you.  You and I have different cultural backgrounds.  Yet, we have become one in Jesus Christ.  This presents the power of the Holy Spirit.  You and I have not been like the family but the family itself, the church family.  Because of our openness and understanding, we have done ministry harmoniously, sharing a lot of valuable experiences.

I pray that you will continue to mature and grow through the spiritual journey with your new pastor, Jinha Choi.  (I have heard of many positive comments about him: humble, sincere, smart, and so on!)  Although we are separated, we will communicate with one another through the Holy Spirit and by prayer (or e-mail, text, and telephone).  For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven; a time to say goodbye and a time to meet again.

Thank you for your love and friendship as we have done ministry together for eight years.  God bless you, your family, and your future ministry!


Sungmu Lee