In the United Methodist Church, the bishop makes appointments annually. Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton and his cabinet gave notice that all the pastors should be opened to move on this year, because there are so many clear openings as some pastors are retiring, and others are requesting a change of appointment. The process moved quickly in March. I was informed last month that the bishop and his cabinet had decided to appoint me to Memorial United Methodist Church in Avon, CT, effective on July 1, 2022.
Our church was preparing to apply for an endowment clergy renewal program during the past two months, but we cannot continue the process, in that I will move on this year. My wife, Hyeonjin, and I were happy and thankful when we prepared for the grant application because we realized again how much we were loved by you: Our Staff-Parish Relations Committee and Church Council had approved unanimously the 4-month spiritual leave, and our grant applying team had spent a lot of time and energy completing the application, including the 10-page Proposal Narrative.
God has blessed our church that you and I have had precious experiences during the past eight years, including special services (Easter, Lent, Christmas, Advent), Bible Study, Sunday School, Monday Adult School, Choir, Virtual Choir, Bell Choir, Prayer Vigil, Prayer Shawls Ministry, UMARMY (United Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth), Vacation Bible School, Thursday Koinonia Café, Saturday Agape Meal, Men’s Breakfast, Christmas Nativity, Christmas Music Night Concert, Community Breakfast with Santa/Easter Bunny, Easter Egg Hunt, Community Cook-out, Food Distribution at the church parking lot, Backpack Drive, the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, Confirmation, Weddings, Funerals, and much more.
Because of our openness and understanding, we have done ministry harmoniously, sharing a lot of valuable experiences: joy, sorrow, faith, hope, love, and friendship in Jesus Christ. Hyeonjin and I sincerely thank you for your support and dedication. God bless you and your family with love, peace, and happiness!
Please pray for me and Hyeonjin, for one another, and for the future ministry with a new pastor at our church.
Sungmu Lee